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About Ainergy Contracting Services Limited

Section 88(1)(e) of the Labour Act, Cap L1 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria (LFN) 2004 empowers the Minister of Labour and Productivity to make regulations by “prescribing anything which is to be prescribed under the Act and is not otherwise provided for” and to further make regulations “containing such procedural or ancillary provisions as he considers necessary or convenient to facilitate the operation of the Act”.

Pursuant thereto, on 25th May 2011, the Honourable Minister of Labour and Productivity, Chief Emeka Wogu issued Guidelines on Labour Administration Issues in Contract Staffing/Outsourcing.

Accordingly, this set the stage for proper regulation of contract staffing in Nigeria; and also prompted the emergence of Ainergy Contracting Services Limited to carry on the business of providing services for organisations to achieve optimal utilisation ofresources, greater efficiency, higher productivity, improved services and increased profitability through the application of enterprise solutions.

We also aim to be the first point of reference for companies seeking to determine, search for, identify, engage and retain the right personnel and achieve optimal utilisation of personnel resources; and/or resolve seemingly intractable industrial relations issues.

Ainergy Contracting Services Limited is duly incorporated with the Corporate Affairs Commission as a limited liability company; similarly it is licensed by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity to operate as a recruiter/labour contractor.

Consequently, the Department of Petroleum Resources has also granted Ainergy Contracting Services Limited a special category permit to operate as an oil industry service company authorised to provide consultancy services, to wit manpower supply:- skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled.

Registration with other governmental/statutory bodies has also been completed, thus ensuring fulfilment of obligations including but not limited to- Pay As You Earn (PAYE) tax remittances & annual development levies, pension contributions, Group Life Insurance, and Employee Compensation Scheme (ECS).

As mandated by the Guidelines on Labour Administration Issues in Contract Staffing/Outsourcing, Ainergy Contracting Services Limited staff belong to the relevant industry unions as stipulated in Third Schedule of the Trade Unions Act Cap.T14 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria (LFN) 2004, hence their check-off dues are duly paid; we enjoy a cordial working relationship with the various trade unions at national, zonal and branch levels.

Ainergy Contracting Services Limited is thus in full compliance with all requirements for its operational efficiency.

"All labour that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance, and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence."
~ Martin Luther King Jr.